Evangelism and the Elections
5 Tips for Addressing People’s Political Emotions in Light of the Gospel
Regardless of your age, gender, or nationality, when the elections are in season, everyone has thoughts and feelings about the matter. From excitement to disappointment, we are either eager or irritated by what we hear and see leading into the polls.
As followers of Christ, our job is to stay on task with gospel, preaching regardless of when or where we are. During this election season, you can seize every opportunity to preach the gospel whenever the campaigns or candidates are mentioned.
Keep in Mind:
For those individuals we can agree with: try to explain that politics are a band-aid fix to our country’s heart problem. Our ultimate hope is in the change that Christ can bring because only Christ can change the heart.
For those we disagree with: focus on conversation over confrontation. Dialogue over monologue. Their soul over the argument. Emphasize the fact that you love the person, and eternity is more important than the next four years.
Here are 5 emotions to identify, along with 5 transitional questions to use in redirecting the conversation from politics to religion.
1. Excitement
We often get excited about receiving or experiencing new things. Out with the old and in with the new. The idea of a new presidential leader for our country can be an exciting one. If you are in a conversation with an optimist about the next presidency, leverage their excitement on earthly matters toward a spiritual one:
It is exciting to think about the new opportunities and changes that the elections are going to bring.
Do you think it’s possible to have an exciting relationship with God? Why or why not?
2. Disappointment
It is hard not to feel a little disappointed about the prospect of the next 4–8 years with either candidate filling the Oval Office. If you find yourself in a conversation about the elections and the mood becomes that of disappointment or letdown, redirect the conversation toward the gospel:
The change our country needs is not going to be found in politics.
What are your thoughts about having a life-changing relationship with God?
3. Anger
No matter which direction the polls favor, either way, people are going to be angry about the new president. The only way to deal with anger is to defuse it by redirecting it. Shift the discussion to spiritual matters:
Our country is headed down a scary road and it seems like there is little hope.
What are your thoughts about the biblical truth that God is in control and He often uses life circumstances to get our attention?
4. Change
Change in our country is something we all want and during the elections is when citizens align themselves with the candidates that promise the very change they’re hoping for. In fact, most people in our society will freely offer their two cents on the different ways our nation needs to change. Because our opinions do matter, shift the conversation to spiritual things:
Change for our country could be a really good thing.
If God asked you to change something about your lifestyle, would you listen to Him? Why or why not?
5. Hope
Every candidate in every election has centralized their campaign with the promise to provide hope for the future. Each speech is given in attempt to point toward the light at the end of the tunnel. This election, Hillary Clinton points toward the hope found in unity through her complain slogan, “Stronger Together,” and Donald Trump suggest that when he is elected, tomorrow will be brighter because with him we can “Make America Great Again.”
Hope. It’s something we all need, something we cannot live without. Shift the conversation from politics and turn toward spiritual matters:
It is interesting how every candidate promises hope for the future.
What is your personal hope in this life?